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December 08, 2008



great post...your a good boy! Just like me...I miss my elders that are now gone. I have little things to remember them by and that what counts most...


so true - love endures.
sometimes the smallest exchanges of words can stay with us a lifetime. that was a very nice piece. thanks for sharing.


You're very lucky- it seems you found a more precious stone than the one lost in the garden. Thanks for sharing this touching story.

Jon Cox

Spectacular trip down memory lane! Absolutely wonderful tribute & incredibly beautiful as well! Bravo, Corey! I hope you are doing well buddy! Call/text me again soon!! :o) Take care!


Reading this makes me think of my grandfather in much the same way. He also had the shaving brush and kit that he used until hey passed a few years back at 96. Thanks for the great story and helping bring back warm memories on a cold day here in North Carolina :-).

Brad Ryden

Such a treasure and a time machine. bnr


Very cool, I like hearing personal connections like this. Learn how to use the shave brush at my youtube 'how to shave' channel (at weblink).

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