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February 16, 2007



I haven't come by to say hey in forever, cutie! You look like you're doing well!


I haven't come by to say hey in forever, cutie! You look like you're doing well!


That looks like a United Airbus 319.

And Fubar.

jason hubbard

whats the break hearts club? loved you in jared price


And I'm floating in a most peculiar way...
And the stars look very different today...

--> Blue stars

Ce mec n'est pas un homme, c'est un ange.

translate this :)

Kiss from france.


I like your movie 'The journey of Jared Price'


nice to see an update! hope all is well.


You look exactly like your grampa. The eyes, the cheekbones, the jaw, the nose, the mouth. I see where you get your good looks from.

Your gramma is the most adorable person! She reminds me of my ex-bf's Grammy J.

Tell us about your epiphany, Corey. Such things should be accompanied by angels and written down in widely-distributed texts, I hear.

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