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December 30, 2006


Jon Cox

Hey Corey!!!! I just came by to see how you were doing. You're so incredibly adorable and so VERY beautiful, in MANY ways! I really enjoy the time we spend chatting. You're so much fun and such a sweet and incredible guy! :o) Thank you very much for joining It's Raining Men! It REALLY means A LOT to me to have you as a part of our blog! Take care Corey! I wish you the very BEST and I REALLY hope we talk again very SOON! <3


Sorry to take so long stopping by. Happy New Year, cutie!


Those high heels look killer! Nice pics! Hope the new year is just as fun.


my question is: how are we still alive!?

Jon Cox

YOU TOTALLY ROCK Corey!!!! :o) AWESOME pictures!! I love your new layout colors, VERY COOL! Take care buddy! :o)

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