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May 07, 2005




I don't know who this 'other' boy from Michigan is, but tell him to buzz off. There are 49 other states in the union but Michigan is mine when you are in town! I'll have your pictures soon darlin... in the meantime I'll keep salivating over yours.

- J



I don't know who this 'other' boy from Michigan is, but tell him to buzz off. There are 49 other states in the union but Michigan is mine when you are in town! I'll have your pictures soon darlin... in the meantime I'll keep salivating over yours.

- J

Juan Penalosa

hey, the kid on the right (with the blonde hair)has/had? a pug that somehow ended up at my house in ptown for a week. he snored loudly, but was cute.

to this day, i'm not really sure how the dog ended up in my shack for a week, or how i ended up dog sitting, as i don't know the owner, BUT the pug found my wallet that had been missing for 3 weeks. i had just walked in the door from a tennis match and the little guy greeted me at the door with the wallet in his mouth.

the lost/found wallet earned the li'l pug a free invitation to my shack in ptown any time. oh, and happy birthday.


Happy Birthday, Corey! You're so pretty... I just hate you! :-)


Happy Birthday Gorgeous! Swing by Michigan on your way home for your birthday present! ;-)

Paul Miller

WOOPS--it was 30, not 29! How silly of me. Tim, I'm so glad I can get the JAREDs at Amazon. Will care for it now. By the way, love you both. Paul M.


Paul, try or some other retailer. TLA Releasing often lists things as "out of print" when they are not. It simply means TLA is no longer carrying the item.

Chris Kay


I know I'm posting this on May 8, but I usually sleep when you update your website. Blasted timezones, haha. I _was_ on time though through other means. :)

Enjoy your stay in the Hamptons, OLDFART! Hehe.

Paul Miller

Twenty-nine! Seems no time at all that I was intrigued with a 19 year old! Well, you've still got it. I've inscribed "May 7" on my birthday list. FYI: Been trying to buy gift copies of "Jared Price," but TLA says its out of print. True? Paul


Happy Birthday :)


Best Wishes on your birthday!!!! Are there pictures of the birthday spanking? lol


Huh. I thought Mrs. Butterworth looked different than that. ;)

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