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January 09, 2005



So why in hell does anyone shave his chest? My gosh, just look at you.


Hi, Corey
From Puerto Rico, when you to come to my island?.
Keep like that you'r self, human and unique. : )


looking fit, as the brits might say.


C-man, you have a gay porn career awaiting you whenever you want to pick it up. :) Wash West also called...


Hi Corey,

Glad ur back.Email me.Wanting to know what you think of this:

Tuesday, 3 am

Tuesday, 3 am
Once again I’m wide awake.
Waiting for this time to mend this heart of mine,
That keeps on breaking.
Newspapers I throw away
Wash the dishes in the sink
3am, on Tuesday
I have to much time to think.

I could call out to heaven I could crawl down through hell
Nothing will change the way the way they are, and nothing every will

He thinks I can’t hear him cry
And I pretend I don’t know all about the 3 am’s he spend wrestling with your ghost.

I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down through hell
He still can’t get over you
I know he never will

Nothing he says can bring you back
He’s got nothing left to show
But a pocket watch and memories
For that kiss out in the snow

I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down through hell
He still can’t get over you
I know he never will

I hear him call out to heaven, I watch him crawl down through hell
He still can’t get over you
I know he never will.


I'm beginning to think you no longer care....
We need counseling...I am willing if u are?


Are you back in the old apartment? That green wall is VERY familiar ;-)


must be working out? eh? nice!

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