you come to me in dreams
more beautiful than ever
all the confusion still intact
leading me through neighborhoods
you've long since moved from
I walk under structures half built
and between wood frames with spiderwebs covering them
a labyrinth of what I have always dreamed of and
what I'm now really dreaming.
I touch you and its like my hands never left:
the hair on your legs tickling me,your smell is heavy, your smooth stomach
with sweat dripping, seducing, almost daring me to try and chase it.
In this space below consciousness we meet
and I awake again knowing you were there too.
I feel spider bites from earlier
My ears ring from the green train that runs in front of your new house
All day I'm nervous and bite off all my nails.
But now I'm ready-
Ready to meet again and I will see you once more
in my dreams.